2010年2月25日 星期四


William G. E. 2010. Evolution of genitalia: theories, evidence, and new directions. Genetica 138: 5-18

有許多假設用來解釋為何在各類群的動物中,雄性外生殖器的演化速度似乎都明顯高於其他特徵。其中最重要的兩個理論是性擇(sexual selection)中的:兩性對抗的共演化(sexually antagonistic coevolution,SAC)與隱性雌選擇(cryptic female choice,CFC)。然而,本文作者在經過更仔細、更多方面的探究之後卻發現,SAC並不非生殖器演化的主要推手。作者認為,未來應該進行更多直接針對CFC的試驗,並對研究雄性外生殖器型式與雌性感覺能力的實驗進行修正,並進一步分析兩性在交尾時可能的互動及直接觀察其生殖行為才能有助於釐清這個問題。

Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain why male intromittent genitalia consistently tend to diverge more rapidly than other body traits of the same individuals in a wide range of animal taxa. Currently the two most popular involve sexual selection: exually antagonistic coevolution (SAC) and cryptic female choice (CFC). A review of the most extensive attempts to discriminate between these two hypotheses indicates that SAC is not likely to have played a major role in explaining this pattern of genital evolution. Promising lines for future, more direct tests of CFC include experimental modification of male genital form and female sensory abilities, analysis of possible male–female dialogues during copulation, and direct observations of genital behavior.

2010年2月23日 星期二
